Feldenkrais® Method Trained Neuro-Plastician, Author, Speaker
Eileen Bach-y-Rita, a certified Feldenkrais practitioner since 1980, is an author and teacher of healing modalities based on the plasticity of the human brain. In her private practice, clients with a variety of physical injuries, limitations and special needs have come to see her from near and far for the rapid relearning possibilities she facilitates for them. In 1985 she was certified as an Assistant Trainer in The Feldenkrais Guild Trainings.
For over 35 years, users of her audio programs and products have loved her voice and the simplicity and clarity of her teaching style. They have learned to maintain and improve their wellbeing, as well as to overcome a variety of physical limitations and injuries through these programs. Her ten-hour audio program, Feldenkrais® At Home™ has sold continuously since its inception in 1985. Originally a three album, 9 hour set, it is now a ten hour set (20 thirty minute movement sequences,) and is downloadable HERE.
The movement lessons are deeply calming and help us improve our posture and mobility and also refine our performance skills as athletes, dancers, musicians, singers and presenters. Our increased self-awareness, an essential skill which deepens through this work, allows us to monitor and guide ourselves through life in efficient ways.
Presently due to Covid based precautions, all of Eileen's sessions, including one-on-one individual sessions, classes, consultations and coaching take place on Zoom.
Eileen has travelled the world extensively, teaching seminars and workshops for the general public, giving advanced Feldenkrais trainings and workshops and participating in Feldenkrais professional training programs as Assistant Trainer. Fluent in 4 languages, English, French, Italian and Spanish, Eileen’s work has taken her to Australia, Mexico, and Egypt as well as to various States in the U.S., and to England, France, Germany, Switzerland and Spain.
Directly involved in early scientific brain- plasticity N.I.H. research trials in the mid to late 1970's which she designed and administered, Eileen continues to be passionate about the field of neuroplasticity, and the ways in which the Feldenkrais® Method in particular, helps to stimulate plasticity into action.
She has been featured in numerous publications in addition to her own writings and programs. Eileen is acknowledged by Dr. Norman Doidge in his book "The Brain's Way Of Healing" as one of the people helpful in teaching him about mind-body medicine and, in "The Brain That Changes itself," as the person responsible for introducing Moshe Feldenkrais to the concepts and scientific research of brain plasticity.
Educational Background
An alumna of UCLA, Eileen received her B.A. in Psychology from Dominican University in San Rafael California in 1978, at the age of 37. Her thesis on brain plasticity,” New Pathways in the Recovery from Brain Injury”, was published in Somatics in 1980. She has additional training/certification in hypnotherapy, meditation, and Bones for Life, and is member of the National Honors Society of Psychology, Psi Chi.
Eileen is also the recipient of the Dominican University Lifetime Achievement Award “given in recognition of leadership and vision, commitment to community and dedication to applying spirit and knowledge toward building a better world.”
Additional Projects
1976-1977 | Under grants from the National Institute of Health and the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana de Mexico, Eileen designed and led two successful pilot projects in movement recovery and brain plasticity for ‘permanently’ brain injured adults, in San Francisco and in Mexico City. Even after being paralyzed for up to twenty years, individuals in her group regained motion and abilities that they and their physicians had thought were lost forever.
1985-1988 | Worked with infants and young children with varying degrees of brain damage, helping them to catch up with their age group in France.
1997 | Australia Tour: Gave master trainings to Certified practitioners, was featured in numerous publications and media interviews.
2007 | Led a group of people of various ages, with various limitations due to strokes and head-injuries, through in a week-long intensive program of Feldenkrais movements and play, with great success.
Eileen has been in private practice in Los Angeles, California, since moving there in 1998.